
Monday, January 10, 2005

More Than Money

Have you ever asked yourself "Why am I starting my own business?" There are all sorts of reasons people start their own business, from freedom from corporate life to doing what they truly love. I really thing that the latter is the best reason to start your own business. I know some people start their own business because they want to be rich. Although getting rich can be a good goal when starting a business, it should not be your primary focus. Most people who start their own business do not get rich per 'se, those who get the riches monitarly are a moderate percentage. Getting to the point of being "rich" comes after many years of struggling though life with very little money and lots of hard work. Success does not come overnight like a Fedex delivery, but more like a third class package from the Post Office. And if you know the Post Office, there is a chance he package may get lost. The true riches which come out of owning your own business are the intrensic ones, such as having more time for your family, taking vacation when you want, doing something you truly love to do, and not having to drive to the office everyday. Remember, when the money does not come rolling in the door, that the rewards of owning your own business are more than money.